That time I jumped off a bridge: Victoria Falls Bridge Swing

That time I jumped off a bridge: Victoria Falls Bridge Swing

My fear of heights is often placated by my intense FOMO (fear of missing out). Because while the “worst case scenario” plays incessantly through my head whenever I find myself on a plane, peak, or summit, I’m also plagued by a little voice that tells me that I’ll regret missing out on a high-flying experience at some point down the road.

For this reason, despite visions of falling, crashing, or other unforeseen calamity, I’ve still engaged in a number of altitudinous  activities on the road.  For example, as a present for my 30th birthday, Liebling got me a skydive in London. I have never ever been so simultaneously excited, petrified, and nauseous.

I’ve also done a helicopter ride in Spain and  chair lift up a mountain in Capri, Italy. I very nearly wet myself on both occasions, but #yolo, right?!

My trip to Africa a few months ago presented similar opportunities to confront my fear of heights: Liebling and I swam on the edge of Victoria Falls when I was in Zambia.

But that wasn’t the only adrenaline-filled activity we did while there: Liebling and I did a tandem bridge swing off of the falls.

Was it terrifying? Absolutely.  But at least the next time someone cheekily tells me to “go jump off a bridge”, I can just as cheekily inform them that I already have!